Women United recognizes the collective power of women as agents of change for our communities. For your new, annual investment of $1,000 or more, you can join Women United. Your gift will meet a need in our community and change lives right here in Story County. In addition, you will receive recognition as a leadership donor to United Way of Story County, invitations to events and volunteer opportunities, and regular communication about the results of Women United.
Learn more about pledging your commitment on the campaign page of the website.
For additional information on membership, please email Kristin Pates or call (515) 268-5142.
What does my Women United membership fund?
The Women United project was set in motion when a group of women recognized the leadership potential of women in Story County and the opportunity to make a difference in their communities. Focus groups were formed and one theme permeated discussions - helping people achieve self-sufficiency. After much brainstorming, a steering committee identified financial literacy as the key component needed to build self-sufficiency. It is through the leadership of the Women United members, volunteers and staff that our mission of helping women achieve self-sufficiency and confidence through financial education is realized.
2008 Charter Members:
Front row, left to right: Tanya Anderson, Elizabeth Wilt-Cable, Sarah Buck, Frankee Oleson, Mary Beth Oostenbrug, Darlene Hunziker, Randi Peters, Bobbie Boeke, Mary Christy, Elizabeth Baird, Louise McCormick, Selva Lehman. Bank row, left to right: Laura West, Nicole Gebhart, Larissa Holtmyer Jones, Lynn Whisler, Carolyn Jons, Beverly Madden, Elvie Cristina J. Laudencia, Suzy Shierholz, Jan Walter, Ruth W. Swenson, Karin Sevde, Kate Murphy, Linda Doyle, Shazia Manus, Phyllis Crouse
Some of our Referral Partners for Women United
Women United participants are currently referred to the program through many community agencies, including:
Assault Care Center Extending Shelter and Support
The Bridge House
Community Housing Initiative - Eastwood Apartments
Good Neighbor Emergency Assistance
ISU Childcare and Family Resources
Legal Aid of Story County
Mid-Iowa Community Action, Inc.
People Place/LSI
The Salvation Army
Youth and Shelter Services, Inc.
Referrals from other sources may also be eligible. If you are an employee or volunteer of a referral agency and need additional information about Women United, or if you are interested in becoming a referral agency, please contact the program at womenunited@uwstory.org or call (515) 268-5142.